Greenhouse in January
This is one of the very few postings where there are no GBBD photos of flowers on the outside. The reason being extreme cold and snow blanketing the hillside.

Snowy hillside in January
The best I can offer are flowers in the greenhouse that are actually quite nice and well worth bringing in the house.

Cyclamen graecum
There are actually some orchids that I am keeping in the greenhouse at the moment. And some lovely Cyrtanthus on the way.

Orchid and Cyrthanthus in the greenhouse
Meanwhile outside all you can see are some early daffodils patiently awaiting their turn.

Rinjveld’s Early Sensation showing tips.
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day December 2024

Princess Flower (Tibouchina urvilleana)
Well there is not much outside for this Garden Blogger Bloom Day. I see some burnt-off Camellia Flowers and there are just a couple of early snowdrops in the woods, but mostly we are finally seeing some evidence of winter with temperatures down to the mid-20’s. The most colorful flowers I can share at this point are in the greenhouse like the Princess Flower up above. I expect that it will continue to flower all winter long.
There is an absolutely lovely Greek Cyclamen from Edgewood Gardens which just continues to get bigger every year.

Cyclamen graecum
This year we bought a very nice Cyclamen persicum from Abernethy & Spencer in Virginia

Cyclamen persicum
This will definitely never be an outside plant but they are easy to care for and flower for a very long time. I had one that lasted for over 20 years in a windowsill in my government office at one point.
One of the bulbs I’ve gotten from the Pacific Bulb Society many times is Freesia. Very easy to grow and always nice to look at.

One of my favorites in the greenhouse are the Nerines from South Africa. This particular one came via Far Reaches. It has particularly large and long-lasting flowers.

Nerine ‘Pink Triumph’
And then finally I would note that I do see the Adonis on their way with nice fat buds.

Adonis buds
I expect to see early flowers next month.
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day November 2024

Camellia x ‘Yume’
Well I have to say that camellias dominate the local flower landscape for this GBBD. We had a dry and very warm Fall. All of the Camellia sansanquas and hybrids are in bloom as shown above and below.

Camellia sasanqua red

Camellia sasanqua red

Camellia sasanqua ‘Double Rainbow’

Camellia sasanqua ‘October Magic’
But in addition several of the Spring blooming camellias are showing flowers.

Camellia japonica red

Camellia japonica double pink
As I said it’s been unusually warm. One of the surprising things I’ve noticed is that the Loropetalum, which is only marginally hardy in this area has grown substantially this year. It is literally creeping up the house.

Loropetalum almost ten feet tall
And even more amazing it has flowers showing already.

Loropetalum chinese var. rubrum ‘Zhuzhou fuschia’ in flower
Elsewhere in the yard there are seasonal signs

Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana)

Corydalis lutea flowers until frost

Daphne × transatlantica ‘Eternal Fragrance’
This Daphne flowers almost all the time.
We were threatened with frost this week but it didn’t really happen. We ended up moving most of the fragile items into the greenhouse, but to make room we had to take a very large Elephant Ear out.

Alocasia ‘Sumo’
And then we ended up putting it in the entryway to the house where it makes a definite statement.

Alocasia ‘Sumo’ in the entryway
Also in the greenhouse is a nicely flowering Nerine

Nerine undulata
and a very early Freesia

Freesia fucata
Thinking of Winter

Late Afternoon Light
A very good friend, Marianne Willburn, wrote an article in the latest American Gardener (Nov/Dec 2024) entitled ‘Rethinking the Winter Garden’. Reading her lovely article made me revisit what I have experienced in the winters on Ball Rd. Fortunately I have 15 years of this Posting which lets me go back and remind myself what I enjoy about winter. The snow that I pictured above is from 2010 and it rarely happens anymore. I can’t even remember when I’ve had to plow the driveway. Nonetheless winter is a different season when many of the flowers and fruits have gone away to rest or reseed.
“No matter how unprepared I am, I always imagine preparing for a winter you can’t muddle through. It’s a deep, wooded season. Time pauses and then pauses again. The sun winks over the horizon, glinting on a snow-swept lake — just enough light to wake the chickadees.” — Verlyn Klinkenborg
In going back over just the past year I saw plenty that makes me look forward to the coming months.

Camellia sasanqua red (Dec 2023)

Krarmer’s Rote Heather (Erica x darleyensis) (Dec 2023)

Japanese Quince (Dec 2023)

Daffodil ‘Rinjveldt’s Early Sensation’ (Jan 2024)

Galanthus elwesii (Jan 2024)

Camellia Sasanqua October Magic Orchid (Jan 2024)

Adonis amurensis ‘Fukujukai’ (Jan 2024)

Winter Aconite (Feb 2024)

Camellia japonica red (Feb 2024)

Helleborus x hybridus ‘Cotton Candy’ (Feb 2024)
But to be fair, Marianne’s article was not just about finding delights in the garden over the winter months but also about creating structures that give you pleasure as you watch it evolve. Among the many evergreens we’ve planted on our hillside are the Christmas trees that mark the season every year.

Backyard Christmas Trees
And without a doubt the single most enjoyable viewpoint for us has always been the hillside leading down to the pasture.

February Snow (Feb 2024)
That line of White Pines was planted in 1976 with baby trees donated by the state of Maryland and the hillside is adorned with wildflowers in other seasons. It has been a delight to watch the White Pines grown year by year…
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day October 2024

Dahlia ‘Mai Tai’
Well it’s another month of flowers and I am very reminded by GBBD that accounting for the flowers in bloom during October brings the dahlias very much front and center. Each year we think we will more carefully label and support the dahlias and each year we have them sprawled all over a row in the vegetable garden with no support at all. Nevertheless we pick and enjoy the flowers and swear will do better by them next year. They are certainly worthwhile.

Dahlia ‘Taboo’

Dahlia ‘Maui’

Dahlia ‘Excentric’

Dahlia ‘Pooh’

Dahlia ‘Picasso’

Dahlia ‘Garbrielle Marie’
You can see the use of these dahlias in the center of our new kitchen.

Dahlias in the new kitchen
Next to the Dahlias we always have a sequence of gladiolia in the garden.

Gladiolus ‘Black Cherry’
Of course there are many other flowers in the garden for fall, especially some of the annuals.

Tithonia ‘Mexican Sunflower’

And some of the reliable perennials

Toadlily (Trycyrtis ‘Sinonome’)

Crocus Rose

Aconitum carmichaelii ‘Arendsii’

Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’

Crocus Fall -speciosus
But the other thing that happens in this season is that we begin to see the first of Camellias that will contribute to the yard for the next 6 months.

Camellia sasanqua ‘October Magic’

Camellia x ‘Survivor’
There are also a few greenhouse plants that worth sharing.

Nerine ‘Peppermint’

Nerine Zinkowski hybrid

Oxalis hirta ‘Gothenburg’

And one last thing I wanted to mention. We planted a Heptacodium two years ago and it flowered for the first time this Fall. What was striking to me was not the flowers but the red leaf bracts which follow afterwards. I can see how this is going to be lovely small tree.

Heptacodium miconioides ‘Temple of Bloom’
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day September 2024

Colchicum on the hillside
Well for this Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day the Colchicum are the bright new stars for the month. I’ve added more this year and I can foresee adding more Colchicum every year. They have real visual impact and last even longer than I had remembered.

Colchicum bivonae

Colchicum x byzantium ‘Innocence’
Another bright spot for this time of year is the emergence of the Cyclamen hederifolium.

Cyclamen hederifolium
First the naked flowers appear and then the wonderfully interesting leaves will appear.

Cyclamen hederifolium leaf
A surprise this morning was seeing that a single red flower was emerging from the perrenial garden foliage.

Dahlia ‘Bishop of Llandaff’
Dahlias are not normally hardy over the winter for us but this is the fourth season for the Bishop to return.
Nearby is the Black and Blue Sage which was also said to marginally hardy for us and continues to regrow and spread.

Salvia guaranitica ‘Black and Blue’
Of course the Cestrum continues to flower for us.

Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’
But right next to it the Clematis virginiana is now trying overgrow the rose bush.

Crocus Rose surrounded by Clematis virginiana
We also see this Clematis abundantly spreading the woods so we will need to try to trim it back.

Clematis virginiana
And when we turn to the annuals in the vegetable garden they are flowering beautifully.

Annuals in the vegetable garden
Including also the glads in neighboring rows.

Aaralyn Glad

Glad ‘Margaret Rose’
Lastly I should mention that we have had Evening Primrose growing on the hillside through most of this year.

Evening Primrose (Oenethera speciosa)
I was surprised to discover while perusing some my old orders from Park Seeds that I had actually order Oenethera seed back in 2001 and I’m now think this may be why we now have wild primrose growing in the pasture…
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day August 2024

Althea (Hibiscus syriacus)
Well, not a lot to add for this Bloom Day. It’s been hot and dry for June and July but we finally got some rain last week. I thought it was worth mentioning the Rose of Sharon above because these shrubs represent some of least difficult and always rewarding summer shrubs. That particular plant is a chance seedling from a plant that I brought up from Alexandria almost fifty years ago. It spread so rampantly that I took many of the progeny out, but I’ve saved this one in the front yard and I’m increasingly becoming a fan again.
Another worthwhile mention for summer flowering are the Crepe Myrtles. They are flowering everywhere in our area including two big ones in our yard. On the hillside last year I put in a new one that I thought we might have lost to the dryness, but, lo and behold, it is not only growing but looks to have a very dark flower which would be special.

New Crepe Myrtle
I also noticed one of my favorite glads “Margaret Rose” and it came from one of the small offsets from it’s parent bulb.

Gladiolia ‘Margaret Rose’
In the yard we have a new lily that was a mother’s day present to Beth this year. The color is beautiful but it’s very thin branched and wants to bend down. I’m hoping it’s stronger next year. This is a second planting because the deer ate off the first planting in the center bed of the front yard.

Lilium leichtlinii
In that bed in the center of the front yard there is a nice yellow daylily that is evidence the deer don’t care for daylilies.

I should mention the front yard also has a cute little Lobelia in both blue and white versions.

Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica)
For the rest of the garden and yard things are pretty much as normal. Lot’s of Zinnias and other annuals. This Cestrum continues to flower and I wonder why I don’t see more of them around town.

Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’
There is in the woods a strange little Hosta that I bought by mistake this year (thinking I was picking up a Trillium). It has survived our ultra-dry weather and is now putting out very nice flowers

Hosta ‘Road Rage’
Let me close by noting that we are busy picking fruit at this time of year. Things seem to be early because of the hot weather. Usually we have the wasps eating the pears and telling us they are ripe but this year the crows got in on the act with no wasps in sight.

Pear picking
I also discovered the figs are both abundant and ripe.

It makes for wonderful lunchtime sandwiches

Figs on Sandwiches
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day July 2024

Lilium Oriental-trumpet hybrid ‘Scheherezade’
Well, it’s that time of year and even though I’m late again for GBBD I should lead off with the lilies. Many of already come and gone, but there are still some to gaze upon.

Lilium ‘Stargazer’

Lilium henryi hybrid ‘Madame Butterfly’
We still have many continuing showpieces like the Cestrum and the Hydrangeas and the Princess Flower.

Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’

Princess Flower (Tibouchina urvilleana)
But the first of Crepe Myrtles are starting to bloom as well.

Crepe Myrtle white
The annual flowers in the vegetable garden are also starting to dominate.

Annuals in the vegetable garden

Next to them amidst the corn are some lovely sunflowers.

Sunflowers mixed in with the corn

Sunflowers in peak form
The Alpine bed around the greenhouse is mostly done flowering but I did see some daphne still trying to bloom.

Daphne collina x cneorum flowering out of season
I was also struck by the beauty of the bark on the Chamaecyparis.

Chamaecyparis obtusa
This particular tree is forty years old now and one of the bigger trees in the back yard. It’s a beauty.
One last thing to share is a discovery at the local Costco. I’d never seen these tropical plants from the Far East before and was delighted with the form and color.

Curcuma alismatifolia ‘Siam Shadow’
They are zone 8 so they will need to go into the basement or greenhouse for the winter but I think that will be worth it…