Bluebells on the River

A sea of bluebells

A sea of bluebells

At this time of year you can go to most places along the potomac watershed and see hosts of bluebells (Mertensia virginica).  Our favorite bluebell hot spot is the Worthington Farm, a part of the Monocacy National Battlefield, that is about 2 miles from our house.  The trail down to the river runs through a woodland that is covered with spring beauties (Claytonia virginica).

The path through the spring beauties requires looking closely at the ground

The path through the spring beauties requires looking closely at the ground

The spring beauties come in white or pink versions

The spring beauties come in white or pink versions

Note the pink stamens.

These delicate little flowers are really tough as nails in the right conditions.

These delicate little flowers are really tough as nails in the right conditions.

The path to the bluebells also has many star of Bethlehem

Ornithogalum nutans

Ornithogalum nutans

When you get to the river the annual explosion of bluebells is very difficult to capture in the camera lens.

Bluebells along the path

Bluebells along the path

Note how high the river is after a thunderstorm in the mountains the night before.

Bluebells against the river background

Bluebells against the river background

Individually the bluebells usually have pink buds that turn to blue, but they can be pink or even white.

The bluebells can be pink

The bluebells can be pink

White bluebells

White bluebells

In any case it’s a great time to go out a see the wildflowers, in addition to growing your own…:)

3 comments on “Bluebells on the River

  1. Frank

    What a beautiful sight… although I’m not crazy about the star of Bethlehem…
    My one tiny bluebell seedling which I’ve been nursing along for two years now would die of embarrassment if it was able to see these pictures!

  2. Chavli

    What a magical path, and so close to your home. The blooms are a bonus.

  3. diversifolius

    Hiking through the spring wildflowers is such a great joy! I love the transition of colours from buds to flowers in Mertensia. I wish would grow here too…