Articles for the Month of June 2024

Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day June 2024

The pasture at sunset

I’m going to lead off this edition of the Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day with a picture of our pasture at sunset featuring the wildflowers that son Josh planted last year.  They really exploded into flower this year with no extra labor at all.

Wildflowers in the pasture

He created this field by laying down a tarp to kill off the existing plants before seeding and it has really come into fruition (literally) this year.  There has been one series of flowers after another since early spring.

Looking the other way on that same sunset evening shows the wonderful light off of our larger trees.

Pin Oak over the house at sunset

Another tree well worth sharing is the Stewartia japonica in the front yard.

Stewartia japonica

I have never seen so many flowers on this tree.

Stewartia japonica in full bud stage

The buds from the top of the tree are covering the lawn below

Stewartia japonica blossoms in the grass

Another plant worthy of particular attention is the Princess Flower which spent the winter in the greenhouse.

Princess Flower (Tibouchina urvilleana)

It is becoming big enough that we will have to think about the best plans for it over this next winter.

Full size picture of the Princess Flower

Zooming in on Princess Flower

The porch gets a few tropicals in this season

Brugmansia (Angel’s Trumpet)

The other item worth mentioning at this season is the beginning of the lilies.

Trumpet Lily

Red Asiatic Hybrid Lily

Yellow Asiatic Lily in the Herb bed

Lily ‘Pink Perfection’ in the grapes

Lily ‘Pink Perfection’

There are many other flowers happening now but here are a few that I should single out.

Gentiana septemfida (Summer Gentian)

Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’

Alstroemeria ‘Sweet Laura’

Arisaema candidissimum

And let me end with our contribution to the food supply for Monarch Butterflies.

Orange Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa)