It’s hard not to give credit to the daffodils for giving this spring a wonderful start on this Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day
There are flowers literally everywhere on our property right now. Spring bulbs, flowering trees and wildflowers are making it a joy to walk about the yard. The hellebores, like the daffodils are in full display-mode.
The various Erythroniums are displaying their hanging flowers from pink to yellow to white.
The standard trout lilies have been fully in flower the past two weeks in the raised bed by the deck.
However, the same plants in the woods have never flowered. I transferred them years ago and they have propagated like mad but do not flower. Apparently I’m not alone in this observation.
The main thing blooming in the woods at this point are the bluebells (Mertensia virginica)
Another wild flower is the Star of Bethlehem that is popping up in the lawn right now. I should probably plan to move it to the woods where it can spread freely.
Among the other things flowering right now are the double-flowered Japanese Quince, much bigger than normal quince flowers.
I noticed that the miracle pear tree is covered by flowers this year.
We call it the miracle pear tree because it was completely flattened by a teenager’s car when it was young. I was able to stake it up in place and it miraculously recovered.
A number of the plants flowering now stem from Illahe Nursery in Oregon. Several Freesias, Watsonias, a Babiana, and the Iris shown below have been really strong growing beautiful plants.
The Babiana has an unbelievable number of buds.
Well that’s a sampling from our hill on Ball Road. Enjoy the Spring!