Articles for the Month of November 2011

Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day November 2011

Last Knockout Rose Pink

It is indeed another GBBD and I find myself returned from both Spain and California since the last posting and badly in need of getting back to my normal routine.  I have to say that it’s been a particularly beautiful fall, interrupted only by one surprise snowfall which knocked a lot of branches off of trees that weren’t expecting to carry a load of snow on the leaves.  But the leaves themselves have been very colorful and many of the plants have had an extensive run of mild temperatures.  The two knockout roses have outdone themselves hanging onto as much of the blooming season as they possibly could.

Last Knockout Rose Red

The real stunner for us is to look out each day and see the fall camellia blooming against the garage.  Usually we’re lucky to get a few flowers before winter sets in.  This year the fall camellias have really had an extended run (I think they are pitching for us to add more).

Red Fall Camellia Bush

Red Fall Camellia

Another stalwart for this season is the Cyclamen hederifolium.  This little gem has been flowering since late August and is totally unfazed by the frosts we’ve had so far.

Cyclamen hederifolium

In the herb garden, which seems to be slightly more sheltered than the rest of the yard, we still have one last calendula brilliantly holding forth.

Last Calendula in the herb garden

And the Pineapple Sage, which is always very late to flower, seems very reluctant to call for the season’s end.  The bright red flowers are always a standout worth waiting for.

Pineapple Sage

One surprise this year is the Creeping Phlox on a hillside by the garage.  It has decided that this weather is enough like springtime to warrant putting out some very cute flowers.

Creeping Phlox (Phlox subhirtella 'Candy Stripe')

In the same bed we have the most of our grasses.  This year the pink muhly grass seems to have taken hold and may actually establish itself.

Pink Muhly Grass (Muhlenbergia capillaris)

And it’s been a marvelous finish for the larger and more vigorous Morning Light.

Miscanthus sinensis ‘Morning Light’

I should finish this posting with a little advertising for things to come next year.  The Leucojum and Snowdrops are already thrusting forth.

Leucojum emerging

Snowdrops are showing their tips

If winter doesn’t get more serious these guys are going to be blooming before long…