Well there is not much outside for this Garden Blogger Bloom Day. I see some burnt-off Camellia Flowers and there are just a couple of early snowdrops in the woods, but mostly we are finally seeing some evidence of winter with temperatures down to the mid-20’s. The most colorful flowers I can share at this point are in the greenhouse like the Princess Flower up above. I expect that it will continue to flower all winter long.
There is an absolutely lovely Greek Cyclamen from Edgewood Gardens which just continues to get bigger every year.
This year we bought a very nice Cyclamen persicum from Abernethy & Spencer in Virginia
This will definitely never be an outside plant but they are easy to care for and flower for a very long time. I had one that lasted for over 20 years in a windowsill in my government office at one point.
One of the bulbs I’ve gotten from the Pacific Bulb Society many times is Freesia. Very easy to grow and always nice to look at.
One of my favorites in the greenhouse are the Nerines from South Africa. This particular one came via Far Reaches. It has particularly large and long-lasting flowers.
And then finally I would note that I do see the Adonis on their way with nice fat buds.
I expect to see early flowers next month.
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day March 2024
It seems sometimes that Springtime comes all at once and this is one of those occasions. We wait through much of the winter looking for a crocus or a snowdrop to peek through and then when temperatures come like they have this month we have an explosion of flowers for Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many daffodils, hellebores, and camellias all asking for a place at our dinner table.
The camellias have been amazing this year where they have somehow avoided the usual cold spells that often brown the blossom edges.
This particular double pink is absolutely huge for this local area, probably twelve feet in height now.
And the hellebores bloomed up a storm this year. For the first time I did not cut back the old leaves and I have to say I didn’t really notice a problem. The flowers poked right up through the leaves and they’ve been wonderful. I guess that’s what happens in nature when gardeners aren’t busy cutting off last year’s leaves.
It also a banner year for our daffodils. I can remember reading years ago that I would have dig old clumps of daffodils and spread them if I wanted to keep them happy. I have to conclude that such is not the case. Everywhere I look the daffodils are both thickening their clumps and voluntarily spreading to surrounding spaces.
A new one for this year is from Quaffs
This is one of the largest daffodils I’ve ever seen.
The trees are also coming into bloom. I’ve seen the first apricot and peach blossoms. And the Star Magnolia is doing its thing.
One of the nice things about the star magnolia is that it almost never gets burnt off like some of the other magnolias. So once again I’m pretty confident that spring is actually here.
Last year I cut away an old lilac that had been overshadowing a thirty year-old bush cherry. And now the little bush cherry is a delight.
Along the fence in the front yard the Edgeworthia is fully in flower.
And the little Anemone blanda are popping everywhere in the yard and the woods
The alpine bed has a little nest of Ornithogalum amidst other things.
Right next to the Ornithogalum is a lovely little Armeria doing what sea thrifts do well.
If we go back into the woods (which is a pleasure right now) the path has many pleasures.
The bluebells are budding up and there are many daffodils but the Corydalis are enjoying their moment.
Nearby is one of the nicer Podyphyllums that we have (courtesy of Far Reaches)
Finally if we go into the greenhouse we find an unusual Gladiolus that came to us ten years ago via the Pacific Bulb Society.
And lastly here is a yellow Clivia which is so carefree and always a delight to see.
Happy Spring to All!
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day December 2023
Once again our best December flowers for GBBD are the camellias. The one above was purchased at Camellia Forest Nursery which is probably the best source for camellias in the whole country. It took a few years to get to flowering but now has probably a dozen buds on it for this year.
Its older cousin is the red camellia sasanqua which has a record number of flowers this year.
Even the camellia ‘survivor’, which flowered earlier than the others, still has a few flowers left on.
Elsewhere around the yard there are still a few things that have withstood the 25 degree temperatures that we’ve seen so far. In particular the Japanese Quince is loaded with early blossoms.
And the heather has more flowers than I’ve ever seen on it.
One little surprise in alpine bed is a cute little polygala
When you actually go inside the greenhouse there are some very lovely flowers in process.
And some oranges just about ready to harvest
One item from the greenhouse that has made it into the house is very striking Nerine from Far Reaches
I should mention too that when I went out to the woods yesterday I found the dark black berries from the Blackhaw Viburnum hanging in the tree.
A reminder of the flowers that will come in the springtime.
I should also mention that I spent early yesterday morning ordering seeds from the North American Rock Garden Society Seed Exchange. It’s a wonderful opportunity to acquire unusual seed from all over the world.
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day November 2023
Just a few things to share for this bloom day. As always the Camellias are the most startling representatives of our late Fall gardens. I’ve never figured out why more people in Maryland don’t grow the Camellia Sasanqua but for us it multiple weeks of pleasure. The white one shown above is the first to bloom and probably the hardiest on our property. It comes from Camellia Forest in North Carolina. But right behind it is our red Fall Camellia which I brought back from California many, many years ago on my lap in a cross-country flight.
The rest of the yard has pretty much succumbed to touches of frost. Still no really hard frost so a couple of roses are still in bloom.
And a few spots of Daphne can be seen too.
The last flowers in the vegetable garden are some lovely little calendulas.
And it’s hard not to notice the berries when you walk about the yard.
Otherwise it’s diving into the greenhouse where I’ve made space for other plants by taking out the 10 foot high pomegranate and some other potted plants that had rooted themselves in greenhouse floor (not allowing that anymore). This leaves space for big pots like this Plectranthus.
I think we will also harvest some mandarins this year off of the potted citrus.
Some of my favorite greenhouse plants are the various Nerine species. They bloom over a long period with various flowers that resemble more reasonably sized amaryllis. The one in flower at the moment is Nerine undulata.
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day October 2023
Well, it’s been a lovely Fall week for catching up with GBBD and many tasks in the garden. Finally the outside ground is somewhat moist and there is a lot of green around garden, woods, and pasture. Nonetheless as my eye explored the garden yesterday it was the Nerines that stood out to me. I think it was two years ago that I first acquired the Amarine tubergenii from Quackin’ Grass Nursery. They have a brilliant pink that stands out from other plants. They stem from a cross between Nerine bowdenii and Amaryllis belladonna and while they are in principle hardy in zone 7 the only time I tried the plant didn’t return so I keep them in the greenhouse for now.
At the same time a much smaller Nerine is blooming in the greenhouse.
This was a hybrid seedling distributed by the Pacific Bulb Society. A lot of flower for a small pot.
Of course I could share the many annuals still in bloom around here. The zinnias are blooming like crazy and the Dahlias are maybe the best they’ve ever been.
Some of the perennial returnees from last year are notable like this Monkshood
And there are many that just continue in flower week after week.
I did add another plant to the garden today, a little Mahonia that came via Issima Nursery in Rhode Island. This is a seedling from Mahonia eurybracteata and we shall see how hardy it is.
It’s worth noting that it’s not only flowers that are showy at this time of year. The berries can be quite splendid.
And as I closed the gate tonight I couldn’t help but notice the Red Jade Crabapple
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day May 2023
Well it’s a late posting for Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day, but what can I say. This time of year I’m in the garden…
Rhododendron are in flower in multiple places in the yard but this year we have also added them to the woods (courtesy of the new deer fence)
I am fully engaged in adding new and unusual flowers to the woods (leading to lack of care for some of the plants in the yard). But we still have a few things worth sharing. We inherited this lovely ground orchid in a plant exchange last year.
One can’t help but notice the roses at this time of year. And this David Austin rose is having a great showing.
Right nearby is a longtime resident, the Klondyke exbury Azalea
Moving across the yard to the Monument bed there is a lovely herbaceous Peony
and some lovely little allium
One neighboring bed has the last of another allium relative
You have to look a little more closely to see the flowers that appear under may apple relatives
Another shade lover is the Pinellia
I feel like I have to share some things from the greenhouse and the alpine bed
And also the Phyteuma that I first met while hiking in the Alps
Let me close with an image of the planting of the dahlias and glads
Which leads to harvesting the strawberries in the neighboring row
And then finally what we do with the harvest
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day January 2023
Just a quick post for the month with the least flowers on display. Our Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day finds that the winter has been mild but most plants are just fattening up there buds for the months to come. There are a few exceptions. The Witch Hazel shown above is joined by several others on the hillside but none are as spectacular in bloom as ‘Diane.
The snowdrops are popping out. Even a few that have migrated into the lawn.
And the first of hybrid Hellebores is now in flower (not counting ‘Jacob’ which appeared a month ago)
There are othe plants just on the verge
And I can see colorful buds on the Peonies.
The cyclamen are also noteworthy for the lovely patterns they create as they continue to spread in the yard.
And in the house we have steady stream of flowers from the greenhouse (especially Cyrtanthus) and some new orchids that arrived as Christmas and birthday gifts.
Finally I should point out that we did plant the Christmas tree last week to provide a future landmark in the pasture.
This is also the month for planting the seeds obtained from the NARGS seed exchange.
As always there are great expectations.
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day December 2022
I’ll begin this seasonal GBBD post with an image of the Christmas greens and flowers over the fireplace. The Japanese quince has been flowering on and off again all Fall. The the red Camellia sansanqua continues to provide a regular supply of beautiful blooms.
This is what the full plant looks like.
and the individual flowers
Nearby is another fall Camellia that we brought home from Camellia Forest some years ago.
In the front yard (risking deer damage) is another fall bloomer.
There are only a few plants in flower besides the Camellias and the Quince. One is the first of the Hellebores (also known as Christmas Rose).
I noticed in walking the yard that some of the plants in bud are well worth thinking about as we wait for Springtime. The Edgeworthia is almost better in bud than in flower.
And there are several other plants starting to bud up
But it is December so one of our seasonal events is to buy a balled and burlapped Evergreen for our Christmas tree. In this case a Canaan Fir seemed to be the most attractive in our size range.
After our Christmas elves finished their handiwork it really looks quite splendid
It will head for the forest in January.
Also inside right now is a pot of Cyrtanthus (like miniature Amaryllis)
Besides prepping for Christmas the other thing that goes on this time of year are the various seed exchanges. On December 15th every year the North American Rock Garden Society releases the listing of seeds available through the seed exchange. This year there were 2400 different seed varieties available and the contributions came from all over the world. In my case the seeds I’ve requested came from contributors in the U.S., Canada, England, Scotland, Finland, Poland, Germany, and the Czech Republic. If you have any interest in growing unusual plants from seed I highly recommend exploring the NARGS seed exchange.