Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day December 2024

Princess Flower (Tibouchina urvilleana)

Princess Flower (Tibouchina urvilleana)

Well there is not much outside for this Garden Blogger Bloom Day.  I see some burnt-off Camellia Flowers and there are just a couple of early snowdrops in the woods, but mostly we are finally seeing some evidence of winter with temperatures down to the mid-20’s.  The most colorful flowers I can share at this point are in the greenhouse like the Princess Flower up above.  I expect that it will continue to flower all winter long.

There is an absolutely lovely Greek Cyclamen from Edgewood Gardens which just continues to get bigger every year.

Cyclamen graecum

This year we bought a very nice Cyclamen persicum from Abernethy & Spencer in Virginia

Cyclamen persicum

This will definitely never be an outside plant but they are easy to care for and flower for a very long time.  I had one that lasted for over 20 years in a windowsill in my government office at one point.

One of the bulbs I’ve gotten from the Pacific Bulb Society many times is Freesia.  Very easy to grow and always nice to look at.


One of my favorites in the greenhouse are the Nerines from South Africa.  This particular one came via Far Reaches.  It has particularly large and long-lasting flowers.

Nerine ‘Pink Triumph’

And then finally I would note that I do see the Adonis on their way with nice fat buds.

Adonis buds

I expect to see early flowers next month.

2 comments on “Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day December 2024

  1. Chavli

    Gorgeous Cyclamen, both Greek and Persian: mesmerizing leaf pattern. I grow hardy Cyclamen that can endure Seattle weather.
    When I looked online at the Edgewood Gardens site I got dizzy by their huge Cyclamen collection offered for sale. Who knew.

    1. jw

      John Lonsdale, the man behind Edgewood Gardens has also provided a wealth of photographs to the Pacific Bulb Society’s Wiki. They are wonderful images.