Well it’s a late posting for Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day, but what can I say. This time of year I’m in the garden…
Rhododendron are in flower in multiple places in the yard but this year we have also added them to the woods (courtesy of the new deer fence)
I am fully engaged in adding new and unusual flowers to the woods (leading to lack of care for some of the plants in the yard). But we still have a few things worth sharing. We inherited this lovely ground orchid in a plant exchange last year.
One can’t help but notice the roses at this time of year. And this David Austin rose is having a great showing.
Right nearby is a longtime resident, the Klondyke exbury Azalea
Moving across the yard to the Monument bed there is a lovely herbaceous Peony
and some lovely little allium
One neighboring bed has the last of another allium relative
You have to look a little more closely to see the flowers that appear under may apple relatives
Another shade lover is the Pinellia
I feel like I have to share some things from the greenhouse and the alpine bed
And also the Phyteuma that I first met while hiking in the Alps
Let me close with an image of the planting of the dahlias and glads
Which leads to harvesting the strawberries in the neighboring row
And then finally what we do with the harvest
While it’s difficult to pick out a favorite in your beautiful May garden, that hidden Podophyllum pleianthum flower is a stunner. Have enjoyed this post much.
I believe mine is Yellow Allium in the Monument Bed.