Mailbox Pleasures

Packaged Anticipation

Packaged Anticipation

I received a box of bulbs this week that I had ordered from Lithuania in August.  It’s delightful to open a package that packed full of surprises that won’t be fully realized until next year but that already appear different than anything I had ever seen before.  Augis’ Bulbs has a wonderful web site with an extensive list of bulbs that would be of interest to anyone who likes to explore unusual varieties.  Many of these items are from the former Soviet Union and not easily available in the U.S.  It was with a sense of adventure that I sent off my check last month.  I’m pleased to say that the order was more than fulfilled.  The bulbs received were all very healthy and in a number of cases include multiples where I had ordered only one.  Altogether I had ordered 16 bulbs including 9 Corydalis.  Two items of special interest were Gymnospermiums that I had never heard of before.

Gymnospermium alberti

Gymnospermium alberti

Gymnospermium alberti was plant of the month for the Alpine Garden Society in February 2011.  The bulb is huge.  In addition to the Gymnospermium the Corydalis cava is gigantic.

Corydalis cava

Corydalis cava

I am used to much smaller Corydalis.

The next day I got a box from Maine with a collection of rock garden plants for the raised alpine bed that I’ve built.

Package from Everymay Nursery

Package from Everymay Nursery

They looked much nicer when I unpacked them.

Evermay shipment out of the box

Evermay shipment out of the box

As usual the Everymay order was full of nice healthy plants.  Four Lewisia, four Saxifraga, 2 Campanulas, 3 primulas, and more….

For most of them their new home is the raised Alpine bed.

Raised Alpine Bed

Raised Alpine Bed

Here’s a more detailed view of some of the planting opportunities.

Alpine bed detail

Alpine bed detail

I must confess that this is really usual for me — to have the bed prepared before acquiring the plants.  What fun!


One comment on “Mailbox Pleasures

  1. Frank

    What nice deliveries. I came across Augis’ Bulbs this past spring and never even considered ordering from overseas, but looking at what you received and then checking out the ordering information and what’s available….. well, maybe I have to keep it in mind for next year. The alpine bed looks to be coming together nicely!