Articles for the Month of May 2024

Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day May 2024

Stewartia malacodendron

Well I’m later than ever this month because we were on travel again for Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day.  But I will try to quickly share some of the most interesting of the many flowers on display this month.  First and foremost is the Stewartia shown above.  It is also known as Silky Camellia because it’s part of that family and it is also a native tree (the Carolinas) though the chances that you have ever seen one are probably not very high.  It’s basically an understory tree that doesn’t stand out unless you are looking for it.  But oh my the flowers are wonderful.  This year is the first time we have ever had so many flowers on this very small tree (maybe 8 feet tall at the moment).

Stewartia malacodendron with many flowers

Another tree that is very nice right now is the Chinese Dogwood

Chinese Dogwood (Cornus kousa)

I really have to look at this from the second floor of the house to get full appreciation of it’s upward facing flowers.

And as long as we are talking about trees I should mention the Golden Full Moon Maple with it’s delightful lime green leaves.

Golden Full Moon Maple (Acer Shirasawanum)

Nearby is one of our oldest Rhododendrens

Rhododendron ‘Chionoides’

The flowers cut from this shrub are incredibly long-lasting in the house.

The first of the lillies is adding to our garden pleasure.

Enchantment Lily

While the roses, peonies, and Iris continue to provide flower after flower

Tess d’Uberville rose

Crocus Rose

Light Pink Tree Peony

Iris gracillipes

Beth has been bringing in many of the garden flowers for the kitchen counter.

Garden Harvest

Another nice item is the Chinese Ground Orchid and I like the purple one the best.

Bletilla striata (Chinese Ground Orchid)

In the Alpine bed we have a very nice Rock Rose that is flowering up a storm.

Rock Rose (Cistus albanicus)

Cistus albanicus outgrowing its location in the alpine bed

And nearby a trough has a dianthus overflowing the container.

Dianthus overwhelming a trough

And I should mention the Clematis which is always very striking.

Clematis ‘Crystal Fountain’

There is also a flower on the giant Podophyllum in the side yard

Podophyllum delavayi

Podophyllum delavayi flower

Finally let me mention the Evening Primrose which has decided to make a home in the pasture on Sunset Hill.

Oenothera speciosa in pasture

Pink Eveing Primrose (Oenothera speciosa)