Articles for the Month of July 2022

Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day June 2022 (very late)

Nightrider Lily

Well, I’m very late for posting this past month’s Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day.  My excuse is that I was in Ithaca for the North American Rock Garden Society’s Annual Meeting.  It was a wonderful meeting but I was busy from dawn to later hours and it left me no time for posting.  And when I got back I had trunk full of wonderful plants to put in (Enkianthus, Epimediums, Spice Bush, etc.)  So despite the lateness there were a few points I wanted to share from mid-June.  Firstly it was lily-time as illustrated by Nightrider, the near black Asiatic shown above.  Both it and other of the new lilies this year came from The Lily Garden which was new and wonderful source to me.

Both of the next two were also Asiatics from The Lily Garden

Purple Marble Lily

Lily ‘Istanbul’

There was also a trumpet lily that I planted next to the grapes (from Brent and Becky)

Lily ‘Pink Perfection’

There was also a nice Arisaema below the lilies.

Arisaema candidissum (white form)

I also wanted to share more pictures from the wildflower meadow that we’ve planted in the pasture this year.  I mentioned it last month but it has continued to prosper with new flowers showing up every few weeks.  

Wildflower meadow

Monarda citriodora

Evening Primrose



And just to finish this belated post on a sweet note this is what we expect every evening at this time of year

Blueberries and ice cream